Tuesday, October 11, 2011

3 months and growing strong

Well, would you believe it? I'm already over 3 months old!! I started going to a babysitters house a few weeks ago... I guess I can't complain ~ I get a LOT of attention over there and she pretty much thinks I hung the moon (and so do her two daughters). Well, my dad has seen me roll over, my sitter has seen me roll over... but I haven't done it for my mom yet. I'm saving it for her!

My mom says I'm a really good boy. I think I take after my Aunt Jerrie Lynn because I like to be in bed by 9:30 and I like to sleep in until about 8:30 in the morning... sometimes later. She says I get up and eat somewhere between 2am and 4am but I don't really remember since I eat in my sleep.

love love!

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