Tuesday, August 23, 2011

hanging with dad

Monday, August, 22nd, 2011.

Well, my mom went back to work today. I can't complain about her leaving me... in fact, I think it's pretty cool that I get to hang out with dad all day. Our first day together, I gave him a break and had a pretty quiet day, but let me tell you... once mom got home I gave her the what for and the how to. I don't know why and my mom and dad still don't know why, but I screamed for almost 5 hours straight. Once I got that out of my system... I decided to go to bed. I hope to have a better day tomorrow.

Mom said I was a good boy since I slept through the night. I got hungry around 2am and again at 4am, but after a little snack, I went right back to bed.

That's all for yesterday ~ I'll keep you updated on what went on today in a bit.

Look ~ I'm already an over achiever! This is me at 5 days old!!

love love!!

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