Thursday, August 25, 2011

caught a cold

Well, Tuesday, I gave dad a little run for his money. I fussed most of the day, but hey, what baby doesn't? Wednesday was much better however, I think I have caught my moms cold. Mom said I was running a little fever and have some congestion. I wasn't fussy much... I tried to be on my best behavior Wednesday evening since my mom and dad are taking a class at church that I get to sit in on ~ something about financial peace. I can't remember all of it... since I slept through most of it.

Well, I'm meeting my uncle Charles today for the first time. He should be here around noon to help dad work on the house. The roofers started Wednesday ~ man, they sure now how to make a lot of noise.

Well, hopefully I'll be a good boy today.

love love!

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