Wednesday, October 12, 2011

sweet Jace!

This is my mom's favorite picture!

love love!

helping mom in the kitchen!


Mom asked me to make the lemonade for dinner the other night. She said I was a big help! The wooden spoon was my favorite part!

love love!


this is typically me when I'm being talked to. I love to have meaningful conversations! ...keep smiling, it keeps them wondering!

love love!

i love my sister!

laughing at Natalie!
my oldest sister is 8 1/2 years older than me! She loves me, prays for me, prayed FOR me... As you can tell, I think she's one of the ones who hung the moon!!!

love love!

sleeping on the job

asleep on the job!
okay, I have to admit... I was throwing a little fit and my mom was busy with laundry. I wasn't hurting, I wasn't wet or poopy, I wasn't hungry... I was just fussing! So my mom was talking to me and I finally calmed down... so much so that I fell asleep in the hallway in my bumbo chair!

love love!

I love my dad!

I love my dad and he loves me. As strong as he is, he's still so gentle. Some day I hope to grow up big and strong just like my dad!

my mom caught this moment of me holding on to his hand... finger anyway.

love love!


sometimes I cry for no other reason than I want to be held. Would someone just please pick me up?!?!?

sometimes mom takes my picture even on my "not so good" moments.

love love!

froggy soccer games

My oldest sister plays soccer so we spend about 2 nights a week at the soccer field.
my dad, brother & sister
watching the soccer game
I just had to share these cute pictures of me at one of her soccer games! My new babysitter bought me a frog toy that I just adore!! I love chewing on frog legs and ironically I was wearing a froggy outfit!
yummy frog legs!
frog toes!

frog fingers!
love love!

4 little monkeys jumping on the bed

Momma's new room!
So my dad has been working long days and nights to fix up our house. Since my brother, sister and I came along all within a few months of each other, he decided he would convert the house to make more room by changing the garage into a bedroom and bath for him and my mom. I have to say so for myself he's done an amazing job. The other night all of us kids jumped into bed with momma (by the way, she would not be happy if she knew I was posting this picture of her). Anyway, I love this picture of my brother and sisters and me with momma! I'm the little one on mom's lap!

love love!

1st football game

I'm sitting on my dad's lap.
That's my turquoise blue hat.
Well, it was homecoming in our town a few weeks ago, so mom thought it would be nice to take us kiddos to the game and see the ceremony. My sister and brother really enjoyed seeing all the "princesses of homecoming." My older brother couldn't keep his eyes off the girls as they would walk by and the younger of my two older sisters now wants a dress like the princesses!

Here's a picture of my dad (I'm on his lap), my sister sitting behind my dad eating popcorn (of course), my brother hiding next to my dad and my oldest sister grinning her heart out for the camera.

love love!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

3 months and growing strong

Well, would you believe it? I'm already over 3 months old!! I started going to a babysitters house a few weeks ago... I guess I can't complain ~ I get a LOT of attention over there and she pretty much thinks I hung the moon (and so do her two daughters). Well, my dad has seen me roll over, my sitter has seen me roll over... but I haven't done it for my mom yet. I'm saving it for her!

My mom says I'm a really good boy. I think I take after my Aunt Jerrie Lynn because I like to be in bed by 9:30 and I like to sleep in until about 8:30 in the morning... sometimes later. She says I get up and eat somewhere between 2am and 4am but I don't really remember since I eat in my sleep.

love love!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

officially 3 months!

Here I am... 3 months old already! ...just wanted you to see how much I've been growing!

I don't know why I was giving my mom that look... but that bright light that she kept flashing in my eyes was making me irritable!

love love!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Oh man, the doctor told my mom she could start incorporating juice to my diet! OHHHH, do I love it! It almost tops moms milk.... but not quite as filling ;)

Happy Fun Friday!!

Tomorrow we get to celebrate my oldest sister's birthday! She's going to be 9!!! Happy Birthday, Natter-bug!! HUGS!

love love!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

2 foot tall & bullet proof

well, yesterday I went to see my doctor. I'm actually 9 weeks old and 2 days now. I'm measuring in at a measly 13 pounds & 8 ounces... measuring a wopping 24 inches.

my mom seems to think it's cute to say that I'm 2 foot tall and bullet proof! I had to get 3 shots yesterday. I didn't like it even a little bit, but my mom said it was to help me grow big and strong and help me not to get sick.

my doctor said she was really impressed with me ~ said I was perfect. I talked to her a few times, I

smiled back at her and even held my head up like a big boy.
She laid me on my tummy for a few minutes and I almost rolled over on her. I was pushing myself up on my fore arms and looking up at mom and dad. She said I typically wouldn't do that until another month. I'm really becoming a big boy really fast!

my mom loves me so much!!!

love love!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

caught a cold

Well, Tuesday, I gave dad a little run for his money. I fussed most of the day, but hey, what baby doesn't? Wednesday was much better however, I think I have caught my moms cold. Mom said I was running a little fever and have some congestion. I wasn't fussy much... I tried to be on my best behavior Wednesday evening since my mom and dad are taking a class at church that I get to sit in on ~ something about financial peace. I can't remember all of it... since I slept through most of it.

Well, I'm meeting my uncle Charles today for the first time. He should be here around noon to help dad work on the house. The roofers started Wednesday ~ man, they sure now how to make a lot of noise.

Well, hopefully I'll be a good boy today.

love love!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

hanging with dad

Monday, August, 22nd, 2011.

Well, my mom went back to work today. I can't complain about her leaving me... in fact, I think it's pretty cool that I get to hang out with dad all day. Our first day together, I gave him a break and had a pretty quiet day, but let me tell you... once mom got home I gave her the what for and the how to. I don't know why and my mom and dad still don't know why, but I screamed for almost 5 hours straight. Once I got that out of my system... I decided to go to bed. I hope to have a better day tomorrow.

Mom said I was a good boy since I slept through the night. I got hungry around 2am and again at 4am, but after a little snack, I went right back to bed.

That's all for yesterday ~ I'll keep you updated on what went on today in a bit.

Look ~ I'm already an over achiever! This is me at 5 days old!!

love love!!

Hi, I'm Jace!

Hi, My name is Jace. I was born in Arkansas to the coolest dad and dandiest mom in town on July 5, 2011.

Now that I'm seven weeks old, I'm starting this blog to tell you a little about myself on a daily basis. :)

Some days I may have a lot to say... other days I may not.

Check back occasionally to see what I've been up to!

love love!